In order to use Conduktor Console, you must set admin credentials (username / password). You have two options to set them:
- Via the configuration file / docker-compose (refer to section 1 or 2)
- Via the onboarding made within the UI (refer to section 2)
In both cases, you might forget what you've set, so this article is made to help you retrieving them.
In the configuration file / docker-compose
Note that if you've followed our onboarding via the UI, the credentials won't be in the configuration file, so please refer to the next section.
If you used a YAML configuration file to deploy the Console container, you can retrieve the credentials here:
password: admin
And if you used a docker-compose with environment variables, you can retrieve them here:
You can find extra details in this article about local admin & users.
In the container
In any cases, there is a simple way to retrieve the local admin credentials. For that, you have to enter within the container.
Using Docker:
docker exec -it $(docker ps -aqf "ancestor=conduktor/conduktor-platform") bash
Using Kubernetes:
kubectl get pods
kubectl exec -it <your-pod-name> -- bash
Then, once you're within the container, just run:
cat /var/conduktor/configs/authenticator.yml | grep local-users: -A 2
You should get an output like:
- email:
password: admin
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