You would like to cancel your Conduktor Desktop subscription and you have a "Self-Serve", "Essential" or "Professional" plan, how do you do this?
Please note, as of right now the name of the self service plan for Conduktor Desktop customers is "Self-Serve", it has previously been named as "Professional" and "Essential". What you see here in terms of the name of your plan will depend on when you initially became a customer with this plan.
Step 1 - Ensure you have an "Owner" role
Within Conduktor Desktop Subscription, there are three available roles, "Owner", "Team Manager" and "Member", see our docs here for more on this. However the only role which can cancel your subscription is the "Owner" of the subscription.
Figure 1: Example subscription with "Owner", "Team Manager" and "Member" roles shown.
Step 2 - Go to and login
If you wish to cancel your subscription go to, sign in and as long as you are the "owner" role on the account you can click on the "Cancel your subscription" option from here.
Figure 2: Login screen of, where your Conduktor Desktop subscription information is stored.
Step 3 - Click on "Cancel your subscription"
Click on the "Cancel your subscription" button to move to the cancellation screen shown in figure 4 and go about canceling your plan by then clicking "I want to unsubscribe anyway".
Figure 3: "Cancel your subscription" button on your subscription
You now know how to cancel a Conduktor Desktop subscription with the "Self Serve"/"Essential"/"Professional" plan.
If you have any other issues, please submit a request to us and we would be happy to help.
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